Our complaints handling procedure means:
We will acknowledge your complaint within one working day detailing who will be handling your complaint.
We aim to answer your complaint within 7 days.
Under legislation we have to provide a final response within 8 weeks of your initial complaint. Where this seems like a long time we aim to resolve all complaints in less than 8 weeks.
If you are unhappy with our decision and wish to take it further, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to look at your complaint. This is a free, independent service for resolving disputes.
While you can refer your complaint to the FOS at any time, they will need our consent to investigate complaints where:
we have not had the chance to put things right
we have not exceeded the 56-day timescale and have not yet issued our Final Response letter
If you decide to refer your complaint after we have issued our Final Response, you should do so within 6 months of the date on our Final Response letter.